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The Veggie Salad
Welfare Director

King of all Porkribs
Creative Director

Captivating Carrot Cake
F&B Director

Choon Peng
All Time Fav Fried Rice

The Eggy Omelette
Events Co-ordinator

Alcohol X
Overseas Ambassador

Soup of the Day
Honorary Advisor

The Delightful Dessert
Public Relations Director

"Plain" Plain Water
Member (awaiting promotion)



Current Balance: $3.00
(as of 25/12/09)

04 Mar - Lin's Birthday
07 Jul - Peng's Birthday
10 Jul - Mel's Birthday
17 Jul - Xia's Birthday
24 Jul - Ethan's Birthday
12 Aug - Mil's Birthday
03 Sep - ZQ's Birthday
27 Oct - Kel's Birthday
10 Dec- Mixed Rice Day!


You're way too beautiful world
That's why it'll never work
You have us so excited! so excited!
When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you so excited so excited
When they say it's over



Bituwin - template
Dementee -

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Future Plans

Hi guys! Am I blogging here too much? Er hems. Anyway, here are 2 future plans which I want to seek opinions from you guys (because I can't get sick of you all) Tell me how you guys feel about it.


Event: BBQ Next Weekends
Date: I Propose Sat, 5th January 08
Purpose: The army guys have long weekends off and because yilin, peng and me will start school officially on that Monday, which means mixed rice entering its off peak period again. Thus, I propose a last meet up that weekends. BBQ At delon's place, what do you say?


Okay, this one is abit extreme. I was discussing with lon and I realize actually, we can go for another trip next May. I hope no one is killing me for this (but I'm quite sure you people are always enthu for more trips, right right?)

You know how extreme I went? I went to check NUS's academic calender and Laselle's academic calender. Now the reason for May..


If I'm not wrong, yao is coming back to SG in April for one month if i'm not wrong. Which part of April I'm not sure but if its mid or end april, one month means covering at least 2 weeks of May. NUS ends the semester at last week of April or first week of may, NTU ends last week of April and Laselle ends at first week of May. The army guys will prob be early ORD-ed by then or can clear their leave like siao already. Mil by then would have ended her crazy job too.

So that spells a big big possibility for a trip, but I'm not sure if Mel will wanna come since its the O'levels year.. sigh.

So what do you guys think? I know everyone abit short handed now lah, but can we start savin now? I don't mind backpacking, haha. Mil, what do you reckon? I need to see a raise of hands on people who are keen.. You know, there is already promotion for May air tickets, cough. heehee.

Pls kindly tag on your opinions on BOTH plans! Anyway, look out for a new nice blog layout which is more personalized. That aside, please pray for me! My exam results will be out in less than an hour, *cold sweat*



Phuket Photos from Yilin

Uploaded on my facebook as usual, wah our phuket photos are seriously flooding my albums haha! Links are arranged according to Days. 30 sec of video is private and very protected. If you want it, ask from me or yilin personally. HIAK HIAK HIAK =D.



Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Recipe for Rosti

Swiss Rosti


1.5 kg large baking potatoes
60 g butter
2 tablespoon sunflower oil, salt and freshly baked black pepper
1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley or fresh thyme


Boil the potatoes for 10 mins until just tender.

Drain thoroughly and leave to cool then peel.

Chill for 4 hours (this can be speeded up by careful use of the freezer).

Coarsely grate the potatoes into a large bowl.

Add salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

Melt half the butter and half the oil in a frying pan.

Add the grated potato and flatten the cake in the pan. (Use a fish knofe for this as it makes ita lot easier.)

Cook over a low heat for about 15 mins.

Once the base is crisp , turn onto a plate.

Melt the remaining butter and oil in the frying pan.

Add the potato cake and cook the other side.

*I hardly follow the instructions. Just amend any part of the recipe instinctively, adding any other ingredients that you may fancy.
I can't believe I managed to blog during with that teeny weeny bit of extra time in office.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dear All,

Pls note that everyone of us is supposed to do a reflection journal for our trip. 500 words or more is best recommended so that you can fully express how much your love for the mixed rice crew is.

The deadline for submission is this sun, when we are having our potluck dinner.(mildred says there should be a fine of $100 for non-compliance with general order, but i suggest something worse than than fine, remember the 30s of fame ?? * wicked laugh)

So in order to escape from such a fate, do remember to do your homework. Lol.

see ya guys again on sun.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A dedication to Rice of all kind

Lol, like mentioned by peng, we have so many pictures of rice in phuket, and it so happens to be so mixed-ricey. This deserves attention. Thus, a post to dedicate to rice of all kind.

Fried Rice

Fried Rice

Fried Rice

Fried Rice

Cracking Pork Rice

Cracking Pork Rice

Fried Rice
Fried Rice

Fried Rice Fried Rice


Favourite Rice of All

Hahahaha, I'm so amused.
To those who are sick, get well soon okay!
& to those peeling, including me, have fun peeling :p

Monday, December 17, 2007
Underwater Photos

Got it developed people, here's the link to the underwater pictures.
If you notice the blur spot, its because someone's big ass thumb was blocking.
The photos was abit light and blur, so i edited each of them to give better contrast and clarity :)

My Blog Post

Dear friends,

I did a blog post for the trip on my blog here. If you're interested you may wanna take a read and recap the good times we spent, haha. Don't copy and paste and put in your blog hor (nudge peng), got copyright one okay.


Sunday, December 16, 2007
Photos from my side

Wah, took me 5 hours to upload man. 750 photos mannn. Have uploaded on my facebook album, click on the links below to access. For those who have photos from your cam like yilin, yaolong and mild, pls do share with the rest too~ I was even considering doing a photo dvd for everyone (with bonus track of so-excited beautiful girl version) lol.

Underwater Camera photos will be posted after I send it to the shop to develop :)
Enjoy, see you all soon okay.


Day 1 - 10th December

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Day 2
- 11th December

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Day 3
- 12th December

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Day 4
- 13th December


Day 5
- 14th December

Part 1
Part 2

Day 6
- 15th December



Saturday, December 15, 2007
After the Trip

hey hey all.

this is the first post after the trip. I kept a summary of the things we did during this time. I will do a post on it once i have all the photos. So pls continue to check out this place.

anyway, maybe we will all want to do a personal reflection of the trip and share it with the rest?

do stay in touch.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Note To All:


Anyway, Wotif deducted $957+ from me instead, I think there was some kind of increase in credit card fees. Thus, average out, each person will pay $135 for hotel.

Anyway, for those who have not paid back the costs below, please do so soon oki? Thankewvmuch.

Monday, December 3, 2007
latest news

I have latest news. Seems like they deducted 927.12 from my acct only, so that means the exchange rate was like.. 23.4! wow. (I called up the bank, wotif bla bla bla)

But still have to pay extra for third person as said so the total costs for all 8 people is $1048.332 and that shd be $130.10 for everyone if we are averaging costs which i tink is very reasonable lah. So you guys mind if we average???? . Bank informed me that transaction will only take place AFTER the trip. So most prob, you all pay for hotel after the trip.

So pls pay for the costs BELOW for insurance, camera and airfares first.
Hotel fees next time then pay.


Funds Return (Part 1)

I have alot of things in my mind it's bursting. Let me write down in point form.
  • Hotel has been booked via Wotif.com. Yes, it's the third website I went. We will be staying in Seeka Boutique Resort, Booked 3 Superior Double Rooms.

  • My money is blocked in 3 parts by 2 different websites. I have no freaking idea which website still owes me money and which did not. Screw this.

  • Seeka Boutique Resort deducted the total cost of THB 21695 but this does not include the extra bed and breakfast for both rooms (for the third person) This price (1400 baht per person for all 4 night) is to be paid directly to the hotel when checking in. I will pay this 2800 baht first.

  • I have no idea how much 21695 Baht is in SGD and how much in SGD they deducted from my bank account because the currency exchange rate they use is different. I will have to wait until it is reflected in my bank account until I can settle the hotel costs for all of you. I MAY only collect hotel costs after the entire trip, if necessary.

  • I have one question for all of you and it's very important. I need to know if you all are willing to average the price across double and triple rooms and everyone pay the same price for hotel or you guys want to stick to paying for your own kind of room rate (double pay double, triple pay triple). (PLEASE ANS THIS QNS)

  • As I mentioned, I am still not sure of the room rates in SGD but according to thai baht, Delon and I will prob have to pay $30 each more than each of you (something like us paying $170 each and you guys paying $135 each) and it's a little heavy on us. If we all average out, everyone will pay the same (approx $144?) We can alternate between sleeping in double rooms if you all want.

  • Reason for proposing averaging cost. 1. They only allowed us to choose one kind of room for all 3 rooms so we went for superior just like the rest of you. 2. As mentioned, double room charge is alittle heavy for the both of us. 3. I don't mean to say this but we really really put in alot of time and effort in planning, in terms of sleep loss (I slept at 4am last night :() , venturing here and there and paying for internet access outside to check hotel status.

  • But as I said, actual costs is still not out on my bank statements, so I prob can only deal with this after i know the exact costs. & Really, I'm not forcing everyone to comply, just wanted to know if you guys don't mind averaging.. Of course you can choose not to average lah. Yah. Hmm.

  • For now, can EVERYONE please transfer me the costs for Airfares + Insurance + Underwater camera as indicated below. Hotel costs will be collected separately another day once I know the exact amount.


    Yaolong, you just transfer $153.50 can already.

    I will explain everything when we all meet, sit down and talk. Thanks.
    If need more details, please call me.

Hotels Stuff

Piang, I couldn't sleep last night 'cause I was worried for our hotel booking lor. Anyway, as I said $1159 has been deducted but I have no idea which hotel and which kind of rooms. Have emailed them regarding the confirmation, they reply with,

Dear Ms. Tang,

Thank you again for your booking.

We are currently processing your booking and will let you know as soon as we receive an answer from the hotel.

Now, let me tell you what my worries is. When I was making the booking on the form provided, this is what I indicated.

Booking ID: TH284196
Required Hotel: Patong Cottage Resort (Thailand - Phuket) (4805)
Alternative Hotel:
Seeka Boutique Resort (Thailand - Phuket) (9894)

Hot deal: No
- - - - - - - - -
Check in: 10-December-2007
Check out: 14-December-2007
Number of nights: 4
Room grade: Deluxe Cottage
Room type: Double
Number of rooms: 3
Number of adults: 8
Number of children: 0

As you can see, I put double rooms for all 3 rooms. Because they didn't allow me to select what kind of room i want for EACH room so I had to only choose ONE kind of room type for all 3 rooms. So I thought its better to select double, then we just add additional bed or something. But then right...I added this is additional comments

Please note that I will like one double room and two triple rooms.
Prefer connecting rooms, thanks.

So yah I'm not sure if we're given 3 double rooms or according to what I really want, which is one double and two triple.

Now, I'm also not sure if we've gotten Patong Cottage OR Seeka Boutique resort and no matter how I calculate the price right, I couldn't get $1159. Basically, I'm just ranting on and on, while waiting for that confirmation mail which I really really need. Apologies if I seem to be screwing up these hotel stuff. Sigh! & I also don't know if you guys understand what I'm typing anot.

I don't want jin feng san, I want bird nest to yang yan ..


Oki this is damn scary. I was about to go to bed at 2+am and then a DBS person called me to verify this $1159 transaction from phuket thailand by Glad Enterprise. So I checked, and directrooms is a subsidy of Glad Enterprise.

So now $1159 i s deducted from my account and that means we have hotel to stay, yay. BUT, I don't know which hotel and where the hell are we staying because they didn't send me a mail to confirm and just deducted like that! & it's very scary to receive such a call at 2+ am.

I'll wait for the confirmation email and hopefully by then i know where we're staying. Stong feeling it's Seeka. Once I have the confirmation and cost breakdown, I'll need to collect money from you guys already because I'm only left with 200 now which is so depressing. That's all, and now I really have trouble sleeping unless they quickly send me a confirmation mail.

For Your Information

Dear All,

I have research a little bit on some general information on Phuket, and a little on the Do's and Don'ts.

Basically, Thailand's (Phuket's) Time Zone is GMT +7, meaning it is one hour behind Singapore's time. As far as I can remember, Thais do not like to be touched on the head (due to disrespect), so please refrain yourself from touching little kids on their head, regardless of how cute they look, or how much their hair appeals to you.

Dangers & Annoyances

Each year, several swimmers drown off Phuket's coastline. Check ocean conditions carefully and swim with caution. Red flags are posted on beaches to warn bathers of riptides and other dangerous conditions. If a red flag is flying at a beach, don't go into the water. There are also beach guards and early warning towers (for tsunami and other natural disaster alerts). Especially during the May to October monsoon, the waves on the western coast of Phuket sometimes make it too dangerous to swim. The eastern coast is usually tamer at this time of year but there isn't much in the way of beaches there. Hat Rawai, on the southeastern edge of the island, is usually a safe bet at any time of year.

Keep an eye out for jet skis when you're in the water, especially when snorkelling. Although the Phuket governor declared jet skis illegal in 1997, enforcement of the ban is cyclic.Renting a motorcycle can be a high-risk proposition. Thousands of people are killed or injured every year on Phuket highways. Some have been travellers who weren't familiar enough with riding motorcycles and negotiating the island's roads and traffic patterns. If you must rent a motorcycle, make sure you at least know the basics and wear a helmet.

Finally, I will really really like to thank Little Miss Prawnie for putting in so much time and effort despite her tight schedules, and Delon for sacrificing his sleep over the insurance issue.

Thank you very very much. =)

- Mildred -

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Updates on Hotel Issue

Oki, I'm so pekchek now I wanna kill myself. Basically, what happened is Patong Cottage under Asiarooms is gone, no more space. And because I clicked confirmed two times, they are holding two times the money and will only refund me 4-5 days later. That means I only have less than 1.5k in my bank acct now.

I have booked Patong Cottage (Cottage instead of Seaview) under directrooms.com now instead. Alternate choice that I indicated is Seeka Boutique Resort, you can check out the link yourself. Price is good, but location not so. But i think it shd be alright lah based on reviews. So that means..

1. I am waiting confirmation from Directrooms.com if there is vacancy in Patong Cottage.
2. If there is no vacancies, is there vacancy in Seeka Boutique Resort.
3. If there is no vacancies as well, then I'll find more alternative choices.

I need to seek co-operation from you guys and seek opinions from you guys on Seeka Boutique Resort because afterall, I made the decision myself out of desparation but it was the best i could find which indicated space and had a good charge.

Next, I need to ask. IF there IS space in Seeka Boutique Resort. Do you guys want 1. Standard room ($128 for four days) or 2. Superior Mountain view room ($144 for four days). I am not including double room charge since it's only the two of us paying that rate.

Superior (more space. Delon and I were thinking the triple room people take superior, because I think they need space to add additional bed or something)

Standard Room:

Standard Rooms are 28 sqm and fitted with a king size bed only. Bathrooms have a shower only.
Superior Mountain View Room:

Superior Mountain View Rooms are 34 sqm with a private mountain view balcony. They are fitted with a king size bed only. Bathrooms have a shower only.

I need to know what you guys think, of course I need confirmation first from the website. Pardon my pekchekness because all these transactions and blocking of bank funds is seriously causing me headache. I have no idea if I even have money to change now. Argh