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The Veggie Salad
Welfare Director

King of all Porkribs
Creative Director

Captivating Carrot Cake
F&B Director

Choon Peng
All Time Fav Fried Rice

The Eggy Omelette
Events Co-ordinator

Alcohol X
Overseas Ambassador

Soup of the Day
Honorary Advisor

The Delightful Dessert
Public Relations Director

"Plain" Plain Water
Member (awaiting promotion)



Current Balance: $3.00
(as of 25/12/09)

04 Mar - Lin's Birthday
07 Jul - Peng's Birthday
10 Jul - Mel's Birthday
17 Jul - Xia's Birthday
24 Jul - Ethan's Birthday
12 Aug - Mil's Birthday
03 Sep - ZQ's Birthday
27 Oct - Kel's Birthday
10 Dec- Mixed Rice Day!


You're way too beautiful world
That's why it'll never work
You have us so excited! so excited!
When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you so excited so excited
When they say it's over



Bituwin - template
Dementee -

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Christmas 2004, Good O Days

09 December 2004, Thursday
8.00 pm - Time when 1st photo was taken
Hey Members of Mixed Rice,
I am sorry most of us were not in the photo, as these were taken when we were all young (18 on average, 19 at most).
Back then, we never knew nor expected that a small gathering like this would have ended up with something big (not exactly big, but significant i must say).
Mixed Rice was forming. Silently, Unknowingly.
Posted by
Your Beloved Soup of the Day
* Photos are posted in random.
* Please note that some photos' quality are not that fantastic, because digital cameras were not that advance back then. We were more than happy to have a digital camera. Who cares about megapixels back then.

And who was complaining about the Soup of the Day being photo shy during supper @ Geylang the other night?

What's with that smug smile?

Kua Simi Kua, Buay Song ah?

So cute an innocent back then.

Buay Song already lah. Still take what pic?

The ramen was yummilicious.

Just look at our salad's smile.

Any idea where this picture was taken?

In a neoprint machine.

You know why?

It's a simple reason.

We wanted to take as many photos as possible with the least amount of money spent.

This has never changed over the years.

What's with this shot?

Though we are thrifty, we aren't stingy.

We still paid to take a shot or two okay!

The poor coconut was dug outside in, inside out.

I am so bored.

Let's do something more Exciting.

Let's Vandalise.

Do you know what' the maximum penalty for vandalising?

You think I give a damn?

Partners in Crime.

Stop sulking lah, we won't get caught so easily!

With all our chinese name written, this looks like we are going to 打小人。

I wonder if this table with these words are still around.

Proud and happy to vandalise other people's furnitures.

Graffiti is just a better word for it.

This picture has a "I am getting drunk" effect.

Taking a photo of yourself taking a photo?

That's weird.

So Cute hor. Those were the Days.

Favourite Pose = No Pose

So 自恋

I think i look better without flash.

Who was the smart ass who placed the camera at such a 'good' angle?

Where's the best position for a good pose?

In the midst of trying to be artistic.

Do we look somewhat photogenic?

Trying to be artistic.

Still trying very hard to be artistic.

oOoOOo ... my all time favourite pix.Models @ Work.

So dao for what?

Oh well, models hardly smile.

The most decent shot taken.

Who was the one who placed the camera at such miscalculated angle AGAIN!?!

The pains in taking a good group photo.

Part1: I am so vexed.

Why am I always so negleced?

Part 2: Why is this happening to us?

Part 2: Is there nothing more you will like to tell me?

Part 3: Come on, thing's aren't that bad.

Give me a smile.

Part 4: Okay. On behalf of your sincerity, I shall forgive you.
- The End-
Crazy Girl. Never eat ice cream before ah!
So excited for what.

I scream, You scream, we all scream for I-Scream.

I still don't understand why we always like to take pictures of our feet.
Right up till this very day!

Anyone would have believed this was a corpse.

Held in captivity.

What a contrast in expressions!

A less nonsensical shot.

This picture was deliberately taken with the guys in the reflection, so the girls look like they were somewhat spooked.

Self shot.

So molested.
I just realised we were and are really photogenic.
Models anyone?