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The Veggie Salad
Welfare Director

King of all Porkribs
Creative Director

Captivating Carrot Cake
F&B Director

Choon Peng
All Time Fav Fried Rice

The Eggy Omelette
Events Co-ordinator

Alcohol X
Overseas Ambassador

Soup of the Day
Honorary Advisor

The Delightful Dessert
Public Relations Director

"Plain" Plain Water
Member (awaiting promotion)



Current Balance: $3.00
(as of 25/12/09)

04 Mar - Lin's Birthday
07 Jul - Peng's Birthday
10 Jul - Mel's Birthday
17 Jul - Xia's Birthday
24 Jul - Ethan's Birthday
12 Aug - Mil's Birthday
03 Sep - ZQ's Birthday
27 Oct - Kel's Birthday
10 Dec- Mixed Rice Day!


You're way too beautiful world
That's why it'll never work
You have us so excited! so excited!
When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you so excited so excited
When they say it's over



Bituwin - template
Dementee -

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
First Aid Course

Dearest Members of the Mixed Rice Crew,

As your advisor, I think I should be responsible for bringing all of us to a greater height through constant upgrading of our intellectual development via courses.

Let's take the first step by picking a new course, learning a new skill.

Yes. I am not kidding.
Let's begin by taking the Standard First Aid Course.

I know most of us were either once First Aid trained or St John's trained.
However, I guess some of us only remember the first thing to do when an emergency happens;
by saying "Sir Sir, don't panic. I am XXX a first aider".
and then we will go "Oh Shit. Let's dial for an ambulance and wait."

Courtesy of http://www.drdudd.co.uk/homelife

Hahas. Okay, back to the serious topic.

There are good reasons why we should do this first aid course.

1. This is a skill that will follow you for life. Though it may rust over the years, but every once in three years, you can do a 'refreshment' course.

2. Given our group's high accident rates (okay, i hate to admit, but i can't deny that i contribute quite a bit to these rising rates), it's always good to have someone around who know's first aid.

3. If we are going to travel often (regardless as a group or individual), it will be handy to have one or two of us who have basic first aid knowledge, otherwise we will be dire consequences should accident happens (Touch Wood) before we are able to get help, especially if we are in rural areas.

Most importantly, You never know when will accident/s happen. It's may sound skeptical, but it's true.

Course Details

Red Cross Organisation
Standard First Aid Course
Total Duration: 24 Hours
Cost: $90

Lang Date of Lessons Day Time
Mandarin 19,20,21 & 22* Feb Tues - Fri 9 am – 4.30 pm
11,13,15,18,20,22,25 & 27* Feb Mon, Wed
& Fri
6.30 – 9.30 pm
English 19, 20 & 21 & 22* Feb Tues - Fri 9 am – 4.30 pm
25, 26 & 27* Feb Mon - Wed 9 am – 6 pm
- Sat, Sun & Sun
- Tues & Thurs 6.30 – 9.30 pm
28 & 30 Jan, 1, 11,13,15,18 & 20* Feb Mon, Wed
& Fri

For more details, visit the website at

Course Details

Outward Bound Singapore
First Aid in Emergencies Course

The 1-Day High Element Challenge Injury Management Certification Course is a comprehensive course that focuses on injuries sustained through High Element Challenge Courses. Participants will learn how to do a primary and secondary survey of a victim who fell from a height element, how to remove safety helmet, how to move a victim with spinal injury and fracture management.

* Actually I am more keen in this course as it's more specifically targetted at how to deal with severely injured individual, however it's more costly and there's no class scheduled for 2008 yet.

Find out more details at

Okays, I do hope at least one person will respond to my blog post and sign up for the course.

In case you are wondering, I am joining the Standard First Aid Course in Feburary course for sure.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

From Your Beloved,

*Please revert by 31st January 2008
