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The Veggie Salad
Welfare Director

King of all Porkribs
Creative Director

Captivating Carrot Cake
F&B Director

Choon Peng
All Time Fav Fried Rice

The Eggy Omelette
Events Co-ordinator

Alcohol X
Overseas Ambassador

Soup of the Day
Honorary Advisor

The Delightful Dessert
Public Relations Director

"Plain" Plain Water
Member (awaiting promotion)



Current Balance: $3.00
(as of 25/12/09)

04 Mar - Lin's Birthday
07 Jul - Peng's Birthday
10 Jul - Mel's Birthday
17 Jul - Xia's Birthday
24 Jul - Ethan's Birthday
12 Aug - Mil's Birthday
03 Sep - ZQ's Birthday
27 Oct - Kel's Birthday
10 Dec- Mixed Rice Day!


You're way too beautiful world
That's why it'll never work
You have us so excited! so excited!
When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you so excited so excited
When they say it's over



Bituwin - template
Dementee -

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Just a note to ask how's everyone doing

Just dropping a note to ask how's everyone doing. For some reason, it seems like ages since we last met (although it was probably just a month ago when we saw each other). Just viewed the past photos of Phuket and our other outings so suddenly I have the urge to "speak" to each of you...

Yilin: I doubt you will see this but you've been missing in action in most of our events and it's been so long since we last saw you and have you updated about your life. Please do join in more, we miss you!

Kel: Glad to see that you've been responding on the tags, haha comforting to know that. Understand that you have quite a few guard duties and please dont feel apologetic about being unable to join or what.

Peng: Another "on" responder on the tagboard, glad to see that you've been supportive of all the plans and also initiative in planning stuff for the group as well. Good luck for exams!

ZQ: I think ZQ got lurk around the blog but just didn't respond haha. Gut feeling. Anyways, how's life at Tengah now? Now I don't have a updater to update me about TAB stuff already. Clearing leave soon already? So more free le hor? Please let us know which dates you dismount so we can plan better!

Ethan: Wah, you can bet Mixed Rice misses you and your enthu spirit like mad. Please don't don't feel forgotten in any ways, we can't wait for your return!!!! Meanwhile, you have fun back in UK and don't forget to study hard alrights!

Mildred: Gosh, milmil where have you been! It's been so long since I saw you online or see you tag or blog~ Ah, you always seems to be the most busy person in our group and it's so hard to grab hold of you! Do update us on how you've been (health wise, also) and when you'll be free for meet up alrights?

Mel: How's preparation for O's! Bet this should be the hardest period, don't forget to take a breather when you need one alrights. In case you have any problems academically or psychologically, feel free to ask the big brothers and sisters here (if you trust our capabilities, hahs), I'm sure we're more than willing to help.

Delon: Okays very weird to address to you here but I understand that you're sort of "tagged" into Mixed Rice so perhaps your attachment to the group may not be so strong (?) but I'm pretty sure all of us already see you as PART of us and not a partner and I sure hope you see this group as part of your intimate social networks too (hehes)

Okay, done addressing everyone. I think it's important to update each other regularly and not lose touch totally for months before we meet during the "peak" periods again, I personally think it's quite unhealthy. So yah, perhaps if you're free everyone may want to blog an entry updating mixed rice about your life. It really isn't THAT troublesome or hard.

At least, that's what I feel that that's what Mixed Rice blog is for.
random but.....I WANNA MAMBO!

