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The Veggie Salad
Welfare Director

King of all Porkribs
Creative Director

Captivating Carrot Cake
F&B Director

Choon Peng
All Time Fav Fried Rice

The Eggy Omelette
Events Co-ordinator

Alcohol X
Overseas Ambassador

Soup of the Day
Honorary Advisor

The Delightful Dessert
Public Relations Director

"Plain" Plain Water
Member (awaiting promotion)



Current Balance: $3.00
(as of 25/12/09)

04 Mar - Lin's Birthday
07 Jul - Peng's Birthday
10 Jul - Mel's Birthday
17 Jul - Xia's Birthday
24 Jul - Ethan's Birthday
12 Aug - Mil's Birthday
03 Sep - ZQ's Birthday
27 Oct - Kel's Birthday
10 Dec- Mixed Rice Day!


You're way too beautiful world
That's why it'll never work
You have us so excited! so excited!
When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you so excited so excited
When they say it's over



Bituwin - template
Dementee -

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thanks Giving

I'm glad peng started the ball rolling, let me now do my fair share of thanks giving! Anyway, as a whole, I enjoyed the bangkok trip although to be really honest, Phuket's trip seems more crazy and fun. I guess we are not so much of the hardcore shopping people altogether (me excluded, hehs) maybe the group suits crazy adventure / team activity stuff more. Island getaway in December, anyone? :D I feel so empty with no trips to look forward to, sighs.

Taken from NTU Food Court

Anyways, I managed to take this photo in NTU's new food court. I had to take a pic of it when I saw it, it just brings a smile to my face! I bet the aunty must be wondering why this small little girl is taking photo of my signboard, haha. Now, everytime I visit this foodcourt, I will be reminded of the group. How sweet~

Many Thanks to

Delon: For playing the leadership role in the trip. Thank you truckloads for co-ordinating on the traffic especially (negotiating prices with cab/tuktuk drivers. Also for making the decision when the group don't know what to do or is stuck for whatsoever reasons. Not forgetting the morning knocks/calls. Lastly, for always having sufficient amount of crap and jokes to keep the group going and laughing even in the middle of the night/ broad daylight haha, way to go!! I don't know for the rest but I feel very safe in the trip with you handling the leader role. On a personal note, thank you for the reassurance & accompany when I thought things didn't go well or when I was upset over school stuff/pms-ing during the bkk days. It really helped.

Peng: No problem about the research, I enjoy planning and researching that kinda stuff..especially when things turn out well. No worries, my co-ordinator role is here to stay unless you guys decide to kick me out and have me replaced for whatever reason *sobs*. Erm, thanks for not complaining this time round haha. & for being easy-going with regards to the plans and decisions. Don't be embarrassed about not contributing much, I've seen ur effort in planning events as well. You can help by planning MORE events! hehs.

ZQ: I'm still not sure what heroic acts you did, can I have a full update on this? It's that river cruise trip you guys went right, how did ZQ lead the group? Haha anyway ZQ thanks for always willingly being our bully victim.. and having that big heart as to not scold us little brats lol. Although I agree with peng that you need to be more decisive in terms of shopping! if not you'll end up spending too much time on one item and end up sacrificing the other better stuff elsewhere! hehs, shopaholic advice. I kinda agree with mil that I hardly hear much from you regarding your feelings towards Mixed Rice. I hope you love us as much as the group hearts you! haha.

Mil: Thanks for helping me out when I had excess money in my hands haha.. (although it turned out to be not enough in the end). Thank you for helping me make some shopping decisions as well, like the "this one nicer of that one nicer". Anyway, I wish we drew the caricature at Memorial bridge night market.. kinda regretted not staying for it. Lastly, for helping the group take photographs and being the other photographer for the trip. I was a tad lazy in taking photos this time round, thank god you managed to take more pixels for the group.. that being said, when can I see the photos from your side!

Mel: Thanks for always being so enthu and cheery in the entire trip, you bring truckloads of energy to this otherwise old and aging group! hahaha. It's a joy having you around to make us do crazy things and to suggest siao-on activities after each day. It's sad that we didn't have any bonding sessions in anyone's room, like what you mentioned. No worries, we can always do it in one of the gatherings next time.

Sinyee, Yang and Marvina: To you siblings, I'm so glad you guys joined us in our MR trip, it's always nice to have new faces in the outings (can develop new chemistry and expand the warm MR family). I like how our group extend invitations and gatherings to our siblings (who knows, maybe parents next time!) ... it gives this nice homey vibes to the group culture which is really sweet. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the 5 days with us MR! I'm glad I got to know the siblings of my pals more, please drop by in future gatherings as well!

Kel: Thankeww so much for the review of the trip, it really helped us a lot in planning where to go and what to avoid in BKK. Its a pity we can't go together in this trip but not to worry, as long as the group is here to stay, there will still be plenty of group trips in the future (right?!) ... I'm glad you enjoyed the trip, good luck finding a job and we should meet up real soon. How's the Euro finals meetup going??!

Yilin: Girl, it's been eons since I saw you and I wonder how you are or what you have been doing these days. Your birthday gift is still with me! I really hope you can come out and meet up with us real soon, it's so difficult to contact you :( We need more girl power in this group (if not it'll be overwhelmed by XY chromo) .. I miss having you around, hope to see you soon.

Yaolong: We miss you so much! There are times at BKK where we go "If only yaolong is here, we will......" Look how significant you are in our group, you are always on our mind! You are away for way too long, it's time to come back to catch up and go crazy on drinks & stunts with the group! Please please update us on the dates that you'll be coming back, let's make sure that we jam up your schedule here and turn it like December 2007 once again (all packed with MR events). Take good care there and don't forget Mixed Rice!

I guess that's all for the thanks giving and messages for the group. I'm really glad to be in a group like MR and I'm so happy that we've become closer over the years. I look forward to more bonding and more crazy dramatic events with you guys. Cheers!

ps: we have 5 Mixed Rice birthdays in July, woohoo! Can we have a kick ass celebration pretty pretty please. Can everyone throw in some wacky ideas or something, I'm running out of creative juices.

