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The Veggie Salad
Welfare Director

King of all Porkribs
Creative Director

Captivating Carrot Cake
F&B Director

Choon Peng
All Time Fav Fried Rice

The Eggy Omelette
Events Co-ordinator

Alcohol X
Overseas Ambassador

Soup of the Day
Honorary Advisor

The Delightful Dessert
Public Relations Director

"Plain" Plain Water
Member (awaiting promotion)



Current Balance: $3.00
(as of 25/12/09)

04 Mar - Lin's Birthday
07 Jul - Peng's Birthday
10 Jul - Mel's Birthday
17 Jul - Xia's Birthday
24 Jul - Ethan's Birthday
12 Aug - Mil's Birthday
03 Sep - ZQ's Birthday
27 Oct - Kel's Birthday
10 Dec- Mixed Rice Day!


You're way too beautiful world
That's why it'll never work
You have us so excited! so excited!
When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you so excited so excited
When they say it's over



Bituwin - template
Dementee -

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
3 Impt things to take note

3 Important things to Note

1) Bring Items to Yilin's house on Sunday

Ok I know this is a little confusing. Basically, EVERYONE must bring items such as snacks, tidbits, cookies, drinks, canned food, anything! It can be one item, two item, threee items. But the budget is $4 per person, so using this budget, buy a few stuff and bring it on Sunday.

It's NOT for eating, there is a secret activity for it. You guys will find out that day itself :) By Everyone, I mean Xia, Lon, Kel, Kel's GF, Mil, Mel, Peng, ZQ and Yilin.

2) Meet up Time for Saturday and Sunday

On Saturday
Time: Meet at 10am, Jurong East MRT.
Bring: Money, Pen and Notebook.
DO NOT be late. Late comers will treat everyone Teh-beng.

On Sunday
Time: Meet at 6pm (change to earlier, coz yilin needs some help at the kitchen)
Where: Bukit Gombak MRT
Bring: Money and the Items (as stated in Point #1)
Later comers will treat everyone bubble tea.

3) Return Money to Mil

I'm sure no one wants to owe money over the CNY. So, please clear all your debts this Sunday. Those who went for the Cloverfield Movie, Please pay $8.

Those who went for the Cloverfield Movie AND to Phuket,
please pay $122 + $8 = $130
for both airtickets and the movie.

If still in doubt, please tag in tagboard, I hope this post is clear enough :)


Monday, January 28, 2008
Updated Budget Airlines Promo

Hi all, it's the 28th of Jan so new promotions from budget airlines are up. Jetstar have not updated yet, they are usually slower than the rest. I am going out soon, so perhaps someone else can keep a look out on Jetstar's website. Promos probably will be up by late noon.

In the meantime, new promotions from Tiger Airways and Airasia are up. The next new promotions will be up on the 4th February.

Air Asia's Promotions (Link Here)

Tigerairway's Promotions (Link Here)

Travelling Period: From now till 31st May 2008 (Good, they are finally releasing tickets that allows us to travel in May :)

PS: to be honest, I'm freaking tempted to book the tigerair's 2.99 tickets to Bangkok. It's only $151 after including all taxes. BUT, I'm still hoping and praying that Jetstar will have Taiwan promos. So pls, someone keep a look out today.

That's all for the updates,
events co-ordinator


Saturday, January 26, 2008
If you need a reason to smile today..

The reason is because you have a friend who wants to include Mixed Rice's group name even in her cookies! haha. I started baking some cornmeal butter cookies today and also tried to do some icing frosting on top of these cookies. But because the piping bag coupler was out of stock in Phoon Huat, bro and me had to make do with using baking paper to do the frosting. & because the we added too much water, it became too watery to write :(

Nevertheless, here's the best one which I manage to "write", it only comes in ONE piece. So, I've decided to make it special. Anyone wants to bid for this EXCLUSIVE Mixed Rice (albeit not perfect) cookie? Only one in the Entire Universe! Bidding starts from SGD1 and the money shall all go into the mixed rice funds :)

Bid for this EXCLUSIVE Mixed Rice Cookie!

Bidding starts from $1, every bid is a 50cents increment.
Money shall go into the mixed rice fund.
Note: I know, it looks ugly, out of shape and all that.. it was my first time lah. But it's meaningful! so bid if you appreciate it's "beauty" yeah ^^

Hee, happy weekends darlings.
PS: I don't know if I'll receive any response for this but.. erm anyone wants to try my cookies?



Reunion Dinner at Yilin's House

Ok finally everything is confirmed. Mil, you only not free in the 3rd feb noon right? night can hor. I have confirmed with yilin already, this event will be held next sunday at her place. She say she will be preparing the food herself, we will just share the costs.

Date: 3rd Feb 2008
Day: Next Sunday
Time: 6.30pm meet at Gombak MRT Station, Don't be Late.
Where: Yilin's House

What to Bring: Money (I think approx $15? But not sure what lin's gonna buy so it's just an approximation) & whatever stuff you wanna add on (ie. the Baileys/Vodka from the DFS or other food/drinks you may wanna add on)
Expect to See: Mil, Mel, Lon, Xia, Kel, Kel's GF, Peng, ZQ, Lin

Note: So remember, there are 2 meetups. One is 2nd Feb Pineapple Tart class and the second one is 3rd Feb's reunion dinner. Take note. & Good news, yilin will be joining us in the baking class too :) See you all then, can't wait!


Baking Class

Dear all who indicated interest in the Baking class. I went down personally to the shop, hoping to make bookings for all of us. However, they only accept booking for members. We are only considered public. Therefore, they say we can only come on that day itself and see if there are anymore seats free for us.

I asked how many people have currently booked for that class, she told me 5. I ask her how many people can each class hold, she says 40. So, for now, I guess our chances of having seats are still quite high. So, yes we will meet still and try our luck. If sui sui don't have seats, we'll try to settle for the afternoon class then. If worse come to worse still don't have seats (I think won't be so sui lah), we'll at least have lunch together haha.

Pineapple tart Demo Class at Jurong East Phoon Huat

Date: 2nd Feb' 08
Day: Next Saturday
Time: Meet 10am at Jurong East MRT. DON'T BE LATE.
Things to bring: Money (Class fees is $10) , Pen and Notebook.
(It's a demo class, not hands on)
People expected to turn up: Xia, Lon, Mil, Mel, Peng, ZQ.

Okay, that's all for the baking class.
Reunion Dinner HOWWWW??

Thursday, January 24, 2008
CNY Reunion Dinner

Okay, we've been mentioning this on and off and plans are on and off and I have no idea whats planned now but let's start from nothing first. I just sent a mail to yilin, to ask approx when her house is free for the reunion dinner.. waiting for her reply.. and I added our link in the mail, so pls do tag if u're seeing this lin !!

Anyway, there MIGHT be a possibility that my house will be free on Chu 9, 10, 11 or something. MAYBE only. So if really can get a free house (actually nt really, prawnie bro will still be around) , you're all welcome to stayover. To be confirmed.

Anyway just to kickstart the plan, I need EVERYONE to put down the dates which you are not free to have the reunion dinner. Don't know when yilin's house is free yet, but lets just say.. from 1st Feb to 21st Feb, which days are you NOT FREE. Please tag answer in tagboard then I shall plan something out from it again.

events co-ord.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Interested in earning $30 for just a simple task ??

Here's your chance now! I'm organising a "design the mixed rice logo and motto" competition from now till 28 February 2008. All you guys have to do is to come up with a extremely COOL, CREATIVE, CAUSATIVE design that best describes the group.

Winner will receive $30 takashimaya voucher (proudly sponsored by me!). This prize may not be that great, but this is the first time I'm sponsoring the prize personally, so you might just win the $10m TOTO betting on the number on the vouchers. lol.

The judges for this competition will be the all 8 of us. We will vote for the best design and you will stand a chance to slack, shop, sightsee for all you want in Taka.

So wait not, submit your entries now!

You can design it in any format you want, just post your submissions to the blog and let all of us view your very own design. (Creative Director, i'm expecting you to win this, since you are our creative director. Pls dun say you never see this.)

Anyway, I half expectedly feel that no one will give a shit about this and say its damn lame, you guys should be glad I took the time to do this event. If we have poor attendance for this, don't expect anymore such events to be organised. hehe...

disclaimer: this competition is open strictly for the members of the mixed rice crew. (if you see this anywhere on the web, do not be alarmed. lol)

  • proudly organised by: Treasurer
  • Main sponsor : Treasurer
  • Ad Design : Treasurer

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Interested in Baking Class?

Haha, this post is gonna so be totally different from the first aid one. Anyone interesting to attend Phoon Huat's Baking class at the Jurong Branch? Each participant upon payment of $10 will be given a $10 voucher which is fully redeemable for purchase of goods from their outlets within 3 months from date of issuing. I find that quite wu hua, since it's like.. attending for free and then just using the ten bucks to buy ingredients to make that item(s).

wanna learn how to bake those?

The schedule of the coming classes are as followed. I am interested in the NEW YEAR PINEAPPLE TART and NEW YEAR BANANA CHIFFON SLICES lessons from 29th Jan to 2nd Feb (Kel, you wanted to learn pineapple tarts too right??) .

The time of the lessons are:
2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
7.00 pm to 9.00 pm

10.30am to 12pm
2pm to 4pm

I am more keen on the Sat classes, so tentatively I should be going for the 2nd Feb class (I remember the army boys are out that day right, heh heh). I'm most prob confirm attending the class, so yah if any mixed-ricers wants to come along let me know! Pls let me know latest by next Monday, I will make booking via phone that day. Must faster decide because I have a feeling many aunties will be interested in the pineapple tart class as well, lol.

More details here: http://www.phoonhuat.com/b_jdemo.htm

events co-ordinator/prawnie

Thursday, January 17, 2008

please don't say I never contribute my part to the blog. Here's a interesting video I saw during my psychology class. BE TOTALLY AMAZED.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008
First Aid Course

Dearest Members of the Mixed Rice Crew,

As your advisor, I think I should be responsible for bringing all of us to a greater height through constant upgrading of our intellectual development via courses.

Let's take the first step by picking a new course, learning a new skill.

Yes. I am not kidding.
Let's begin by taking the Standard First Aid Course.

I know most of us were either once First Aid trained or St John's trained.
However, I guess some of us only remember the first thing to do when an emergency happens;
by saying "Sir Sir, don't panic. I am XXX a first aider".
and then we will go "Oh Shit. Let's dial for an ambulance and wait."

Courtesy of http://www.drdudd.co.uk/homelife

Hahas. Okay, back to the serious topic.

There are good reasons why we should do this first aid course.

1. This is a skill that will follow you for life. Though it may rust over the years, but every once in three years, you can do a 'refreshment' course.

2. Given our group's high accident rates (okay, i hate to admit, but i can't deny that i contribute quite a bit to these rising rates), it's always good to have someone around who know's first aid.

3. If we are going to travel often (regardless as a group or individual), it will be handy to have one or two of us who have basic first aid knowledge, otherwise we will be dire consequences should accident happens (Touch Wood) before we are able to get help, especially if we are in rural areas.

Most importantly, You never know when will accident/s happen. It's may sound skeptical, but it's true.

Course Details

Red Cross Organisation
Standard First Aid Course
Total Duration: 24 Hours
Cost: $90

Lang Date of Lessons Day Time
Mandarin 19,20,21 & 22* Feb Tues - Fri 9 am – 4.30 pm
11,13,15,18,20,22,25 & 27* Feb Mon, Wed
& Fri
6.30 – 9.30 pm
English 19, 20 & 21 & 22* Feb Tues - Fri 9 am – 4.30 pm
25, 26 & 27* Feb Mon - Wed 9 am – 6 pm
- Sat, Sun & Sun
- Tues & Thurs 6.30 – 9.30 pm
28 & 30 Jan, 1, 11,13,15,18 & 20* Feb Mon, Wed
& Fri

For more details, visit the website at

Course Details

Outward Bound Singapore
First Aid in Emergencies Course

The 1-Day High Element Challenge Injury Management Certification Course is a comprehensive course that focuses on injuries sustained through High Element Challenge Courses. Participants will learn how to do a primary and secondary survey of a victim who fell from a height element, how to remove safety helmet, how to move a victim with spinal injury and fracture management.

* Actually I am more keen in this course as it's more specifically targetted at how to deal with severely injured individual, however it's more costly and there's no class scheduled for 2008 yet.

Find out more details at

Okays, I do hope at least one person will respond to my blog post and sign up for the course.

In case you are wondering, I am joining the Standard First Aid Course in Feburary course for sure.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

From Your Beloved,

*Please revert by 31st January 2008


Monday, January 14, 2008
Neo Print Days

Gone were the days when we were obsessed with NeoPrints.
These neoprints were taken in April 2005.

Let's meet up for neo-prints soon.
I really can't remember when was the last time we took them.

Posted By
Your Lovely Advisor

Friday, January 11, 2008
Upcoming Event

The Event co-ordinator has to do her job so here's an event plan announcement, please indicate if you can make it by tagging on the tagboard, thankewwws.


Day: Next Friday (18th January 2007)
Time: Approx 7pm
Place: Walt Disney Mickey Mouse Cafe at Anchorpoint (opposite Ikea)
Purpose: To share school experiences (uni & jc people), army shitty experiences, and the sicky days after quitting the job. & to live our childhood again at mickey mouse's.
Inviting: Souppy, FriedRice, Creative Director, Log Guy, PR Officer and Kel if you're looking at this too~~

Please tag to confirm attendance.



Thursday, January 10, 2008
Cry on my Shoulder

A friend of mine recommended this song to me and when I see the lyrics, I think of mixed rice haha..so yah I hereby wanna dedicate this song to all of you. I hope the lyrics applies to each and everyone here :) Here's the link to the song http://www.petalia.org/Songs/cryonmyshoulder.htm

Cry on my shoulder

Hm... Oh...
If the hero never comes to you
If you need someone you're feeling blue
If you wait for love when you're alone
If you call your friends the light is hold

You can run away but you can't hide
Through the storm and through the lonely night
Then i show you there's a destiny
The best things in life they are free But if you wanna cry, cry on my shoulder

If you need someone who cares for you
If you feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes, I show you what will love can do
If your sky is grey, oh let me know

There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh, just call me and I make your day

When the night are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I'll never hide


Monday, January 7, 2008
Dates that you're free

Taiwan- Taoyuan (ahh..)

Hello guys! Feels weird without being with you guys, have to blog something here to cure my addictiveness haha. Anyways I was discussing with souppy last night and has also been doing some research on travelling ('',)

Basically, I found out that there's this high chance of Jetstar releasing this 2-for-1 tickets in March. Basically, you pay the price of one ticket but two person flies. I read from forums that people manage to get discounted prices of $280 nett tickets to Taiwan. You can choose to fly anytime between April to End May. Which is the period that we want :)

However, as you all know. Jetstar promotions = fastest fingers first game. Thus, if the offers suddenly pop up but we, being indecisive people, are still clueless on the dates to travel then the offers will probably just slip away from our hands. Therefore, me and souppy came to a conclusion that we need at least the dates ready, so whenever the offer pops up, we're ready to click and go.

Thus, can everyone state the dates that you are free (probably in May) and for those in school, when your examinations end. Tag these in the tagboard. & anyway, are we pretty settled on Taiwan as the location already?

ps: my computer keyboard is dead, argh. Have to use laptop now. Care to get me a new keyboard, anyone.

your lovely events co-ordinator.

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Scandals Exposed !!!

Scandals Exposed !!!

Scandal Part 1

Think this was just another innocent pose taken?

Think Again!!!

Scandal Part 2

Upset that he was being neglected, our Creative Director decided to pose Seductively 'Creatively'.

Since he still wasn't getting any attention,
he forced himself on our Treasurer.

Sighs. Our treasurer was a victim of rape outrage of modesty.

Creative Director: 玩腻了。是该锁定新的目标。

Our Creative Director trying to take advantage of the Log Man
on the pretext of sleeping.

Scandal Part 3

It all started with him dozing off on him.

It evolved into whispering sweet nothings.

It eventually ended with more than just a hug,
on that very fateful night.

Scandal Part 4

It all started with an innocent kiss on the cheek.

It progressed on to a long wet kiss.

And it became a Threesome!!!

What's with Girls?
One moment they are kissing, the next moment they are pissing.
Jealousy must have been the root of the problem.

Award of the Year

Broke Back Mountain
Winner: Zhi Qin
1st Runner Up: Delon
2nd Runner Up: Shuxia & Mildred

Male Winner: Hiro Nakamura
Female Winner: Yilin

Zhi Qin

Choon Peng

Posted by
The Advisor

[ I thought this should be the job of our PR officer? ]

Christmas 2004, Good O Days

09 December 2004, Thursday
8.00 pm - Time when 1st photo was taken
Hey Members of Mixed Rice,
I am sorry most of us were not in the photo, as these were taken when we were all young (18 on average, 19 at most).
Back then, we never knew nor expected that a small gathering like this would have ended up with something big (not exactly big, but significant i must say).
Mixed Rice was forming. Silently, Unknowingly.
Posted by
Your Beloved Soup of the Day
* Photos are posted in random.
* Please note that some photos' quality are not that fantastic, because digital cameras were not that advance back then. We were more than happy to have a digital camera. Who cares about megapixels back then.

And who was complaining about the Soup of the Day being photo shy during supper @ Geylang the other night?

What's with that smug smile?

Kua Simi Kua, Buay Song ah?

So cute an innocent back then.

Buay Song already lah. Still take what pic?

The ramen was yummilicious.

Just look at our salad's smile.

Any idea where this picture was taken?

In a neoprint machine.

You know why?

It's a simple reason.

We wanted to take as many photos as possible with the least amount of money spent.

This has never changed over the years.

What's with this shot?

Though we are thrifty, we aren't stingy.

We still paid to take a shot or two okay!

The poor coconut was dug outside in, inside out.

I am so bored.

Let's do something more Exciting.

Let's Vandalise.

Do you know what' the maximum penalty for vandalising?

You think I give a damn?

Partners in Crime.

Stop sulking lah, we won't get caught so easily!

With all our chinese name written, this looks like we are going to 打小人。

I wonder if this table with these words are still around.

Proud and happy to vandalise other people's furnitures.

Graffiti is just a better word for it.

This picture has a "I am getting drunk" effect.

Taking a photo of yourself taking a photo?

That's weird.

So Cute hor. Those were the Days.

Favourite Pose = No Pose

So 自恋

I think i look better without flash.

Who was the smart ass who placed the camera at such a 'good' angle?

Where's the best position for a good pose?

In the midst of trying to be artistic.

Do we look somewhat photogenic?

Trying to be artistic.

Still trying very hard to be artistic.

oOoOOo ... my all time favourite pix.Models @ Work.

So dao for what?

Oh well, models hardly smile.

The most decent shot taken.

Who was the one who placed the camera at such miscalculated angle AGAIN!?!

The pains in taking a good group photo.

Part1: I am so vexed.

Why am I always so negleced?

Part 2: Why is this happening to us?

Part 2: Is there nothing more you will like to tell me?

Part 3: Come on, thing's aren't that bad.

Give me a smile.

Part 4: Okay. On behalf of your sincerity, I shall forgive you.
- The End-
Crazy Girl. Never eat ice cream before ah!
So excited for what.

I scream, You scream, we all scream for I-Scream.

I still don't understand why we always like to take pictures of our feet.
Right up till this very day!

Anyone would have believed this was a corpse.

Held in captivity.

What a contrast in expressions!

A less nonsensical shot.

This picture was deliberately taken with the guys in the reflection, so the girls look like they were somewhat spooked.

Self shot.

So molested.
I just realised we were and are really photogenic.
Models anyone?